Friday, October 25, 2013

An Explosion of Pink!

My Sister in Law, Sallie, brought us bags and bags of clothing that Hailey and Katie have outgrown. We are swimming in girlie stuff now!! I am having a great time going through and organizing it;) most of it is 3-5 so I am going to store it in the attic for a few years but it is SO nice to have an entire wardrobe up there! We are so lucky! 

Thursday, October 24, 2013

It's A Girl!!

Well, my suspicions were confirmed and it is official, Tag is a GIRL! I am thrilled!! I feel so blessed to be gifted with both a boy and a girl! I have been absent from the blog world since before we left for our summer adventure but I am going to try to get back in the groove. 
This pregnancy has been totally different than Cy's. I was pretty sick for the first 13 weeks or so and have been beyond exhausted. I am currently 22 weeks and still exhausted. Last time was a bit different with my work schedule however. I wasn't teaching and didn't have to be to the store until 10. Now, I am up at 530am every day and on my feet and high energy all day. Plus, I have Cy. Whew:)
The weight gain has also been different. I have put on about 13 pounds so far, which is more than this point last time. We shall see where I end up in the next 3.5 months:) 
All in all however, it's been great. I can't believe in 2 weeks I will already be in the third trimester. She is going to be here before we know it and then will have a whole new set of challenges! I simply can not wait to meet this little nugget. I am so thrilled to be having a girl:) 

Tag's First Shower

I have been going through this pregnancy with my regular Biology kids, week by week. We have all been very excited about finding out the gender so when it was confirmed that Tag is a girl my students decided to throw me a surprise baby shower. They are so cute! We had cupcakes and cookies and they got Tag some adorable bibs. It was so fun!!

Tag Along

Here is a post I wrote but didn't publish back in June when we found out that we were pregnant;)

Well, it's official, the Cooke family is pregnant again! Brad and I have been talking about it for about 6 months and were really on the fence about the whole thing. Life is so easy with a toddler and we are finally able to get up and go on adventures again. Like this summer, we're going on a 6 week road trip, which we couldn't do before now. And, financially, a second will be significant. Daycare for 2 will be like $2000 per month, luckily, we'll only have to do that for one year and then be back to one kid in daycare. But, in the end, we both decided that our family just wasn't finished yet and that Cyrus will be a really great big brother. So, we decided late May that we would try. We thought that August would be the perfect month for it to happen since the race would be over, the cruise would be over and the road trip would be over as well. What I didn't realize is that I am fertile myrtle apparently as by late May we were pregnant. We were both shocked. We thought maybe I had brought back a stomach bug from Costa Rica as I was not feeling 100% and Brad said he thought I was pregnant. So, I took a test and low and behold, we're preggers. Crazy crazy stuff. Super excited and I'm putting out there right now that the peanut told me she was a girl:) We are calling her "Tag Along" since she is tagging along on all the adventures this summer :)