Thursday, May 3, 2012

Going "Bonkers"

My poor little man. I get a call from KinderCare yesterday (while I was on a field trip in Petersburg, Va) that Cy crashed while running and got a HUGE goose egg and bruise on his head:( I was worried to say the least because the first thing they said was they don't think he needed to go to the hospital. Ugh! So, I went by their judgement and called like every hour for the whole day until we got back. He was fine and acting normal (eating, sleeping, playing), thankfully.

I decided to take him to the pool for a quick swim after school because it was so hot and Brad gets home a little later on Wednesdays. When we were changing in the bathroom, he was bouncing (as usual) and hit a puddle on the tile floor and he feet went flying up, he twisted in the air, and came down on the other side of his head. Now, he has two matching goose eggs and bruises.

He is a maniac! Always running and bouncing and I am certain he is going to kill all of his brain cells by banging his head before he even gets to Elementary school!

*Side Note: Brad asked Cy where his head hurt and Cy pointed to his boo boo and said, "here, on my LEFT side". Seriously?! He is understanding left and right sides now apparently.  Baby Einstein:)

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