Saturday, January 12, 2013

Techno Jamuary

I got roped into chaperoning a dance tonight at Collegiate. Let me be clear, I really don't like chaperoning dances for a few reasons...generally, they tend to drag on and on and on. The music is too loud (yes, I am old). I don't necessarily like to see my students turn into gyrating, grinding machines, and, it's my Saturday night. However, Brad had volunteered his time to do it and then was elected onto the Faculty Health Team which is a group of faculty that stay on top of who's drinking or using drugs on campus and alerted by other students. So, they can't really be at the dance in case someone shows up drunk or high. The take a passive approach and work with students that they think have the potential to use illegal substances and they do so without alerting the Administration or Parents, but, if they were to actually see a student drunk they would have to do both and that would ruin the integrity of the program. Anyway, so, Brad needed me to cover for him. The theme of the night was techno...oh my ears...but it ended up being great after all. Tim and Chris also chaperoned and we actually danced as much as the kids, it was really fun. I'm not saying I would do it again, but I did have a good time;)

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