Monday, September 24, 2012

8 Week Challenge Update...

Week one is done, ok, truthfully only 4 days for me but who's counting:) It is really great to be a part of this group, even if I don't get to "see" them. There have been moments over the past few days when I've been tempted to do a little cheating here and there but have abstained because I knew they were (hopefully) being diligent and I didn't want to be the weak link. I have amended my goals to include the following, and I am putting it here so that I am accountable, I am going to give up sugar for the entire 8 weeks...and, oh God don't make me say it... WINE. Yep, I'm doing it. I drink TOO much, way more than a person my size should be able to. It's just so yummy and goes down so easily. So, I'm going to give it up for 8 weeks (except for Cy's birthday party and both of these resolutions go out the window for this one day) and really narrow my focus. I have been on the fence with all of this for some time because I am in good shape and by no means am I over-weight but I could be better, tighter, fitter. If I'm going to go through the motions of this challenge then I need to put in 100% and this is how I am doing that. So, there it is in black and white. Pray for me.

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