Monday, January 30, 2012

Black Eye?!

As I was driving away from school today I checked my messages to find one from Cy's school. Hannah, the front desk woman, called to tell me that Cy woke up from his nap with a rug burn on his eye and that they weren't exactly sure what happened. They said that he didn't cry at all and that his little friend, Able, went up to him after nap and pointed at his eye saying, "Cyrus has boo boo". Very strange. Apparently, his sheet wasn't covering the cot fully and his eye rubbed on the vinyl part... I don't know. It doesn't seem to bother him but it's definitely a shiner!

 Can I just say, my son takes the worst pictures in the world. I don't get it. His eyelid is not swollen and overlapping his eye, he just manages this face the second before I take the picture!
Poor baby:(

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