Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Climb On!

Rock Climbing Adventure at Manchester Bridge

Laurie is just getting into rock climbing, my specialty, so I was sure to tell her to bring her stuff so we could go. We went to Manchester Bridge twice, Saturday (after our long bike ride) and Sunday, and climbed for a few hours. I'm not positive she loved it but she was excited about trying it. Climbing is so hard and takes so much muscle, if you're not used to it it can be so challenging. I was very proud of her! Cy came with us both days and did an amazing job of just hanging out, playing in the woods. He also did something new and exciting, he peed standing up! First time ever. He wouldn't do it last week when we were playing out in the woods behind Ji Ji's house but this weekend he was all about it. Totally proud of him:)

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