Saturday, June 30, 2012


The temperature is HOT! And, I mean HOT! It has been above 100* for the past 4 days and we are melting!! What better way to spend a hot day than tubing on the James for the afternoon. Brad, Cy and I blew up the tubes and Cy's little boat and hit the river. The water temperature is fabulous and we had a blast!!! It took us about 3 hours to float down from Hugenot Flats to Pony Pasture and Cy did was in the middle of nap time and I forgot snacks (duh!) so he got a little whiny towards the end but he loved it. At the end, there were a few mellow rapids so I took the tubes through and Brad maneuvered the boat with Cy in it. Cy was holding on, white knuckled, in the front but true to Cy's form, as soon as he was through he asked to go again! He is a daredevil. My stomach was in my throat but he did great and I was worried unnecessarily, again:)

On Saturday, Hailey and Katie came up to stay with Doc & Jill for the weekend. We've had a few bad storms in Richmond the past couple days and Doc & Jill had lost, when it's over 100* and you have no air, where to go?! The RIVER. We blew the tubes up again and headed down the river;) This time, since we had 3 kids, we just floated out to a big cluster of rocks in the middle and pulled the tubes out and let the kids swim and play. I think everyone had a good time the past few days!

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