Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Winter Abundance

So far the Cooke family is rocking this vegetarian thing. Truthfully, it hasn't bothered me one bit nor Brad until he was tempted in Philly to have a chicken cheesesteak. He stayed the course however and is still meat free:) My new favorite meal is vegetarian egg rolls, they are so delicious and easy! Tonight I made this Winter Abundance Bowl which is absolutely amazing. It is comprised of green lentils, sweet potato, red cabbage, broccoli, jasmine rice, and avocado. Cy is doing well trying new things too. I modify his meals just a bit so that I know he will get enough to eat. For instance, tonight his dinner was sweet potato, lentils, rice, raw carrots, raw broccoli, hard boiled egg, avocado, and apple slices. He are every last bite, and so did we! Yum!!

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