Sunday, May 12, 2013

Saturday Shenanigans

Saturday was the perfect day to have people over for some late afternoon shenanigans. We had about 15 people over for some fun, games, and good conversations. It was nice to see Gardner and Stinson and Watson, it's been a long time since I have seen them. Alex and Sarah came over with Bodhi and baby Jane, it was awesome to see them and give little SJ some long over due loving. Toby, Charlie, and Tim came by which is always fun. The Justice's did a spin through for a bit and of course, the dearest Anders and their children came to play. I put out a little snacky spread for everyone and later into the evening we ordered a couple pizzas. Actually, it was a bit too late. I went to bed with a FULL belly which made for a bad night sleep :( Creighton and I had our long run (16.5 miles) so my body was tired and my belly was full and I just couldn't get comfortable all night. Boo hiss. Oh well. Anyway, the party was fabulous and it was SO nice to see everyone and relax with some great friends. We are blessed.

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